Please Support Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l !

We highly encourage you to support the work of spreading the message of the Hebraic Roots of Christianity. HHMI has been in ministry since 1994. We have a track record in bearing fruit in helping believers in Yeshua / Jesus as the Messiah to understand the Hebraic Roots of Christianity and how we need to express our faith in Yeshua by following His Torah.

The Bible teaches that those who sow and those who reap share in rewards from our heavenly father.

We would encourage you to be a monthly supporter of this ministry. Please make out your checks to "Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l" and send your love offerings to:


Hebraic Heritage Ministries Int'l
PO Box 81
Strasburg, OH  44680


Or Donate Online:

Thank you for your support !