Patterns of Exile
and Redemption in the Torah

This Teaching set
explains how the events in Genesis and Exodus foreshadow the course of
Biblical and modern history. The events associated with Adam and Eve,
Noah, Abraham and Isaac foreshadows the exile of the nation of Israel
into the nations and their redemption through the Messiah. The conflict
between Jacob and Esau foreshadows the events of the tribulation or
Jacob's trouble. Joseph's separation from his brothers foreshadow the
split of the house of Jacob into Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom
and there eventual reunification. The judgments upon Egypt foreshadows
the judgment upon the nations during the tribulation period. The two
signs of Moses foreshadow the death and resurrection of the Messiah The
events of the historical Egyptian exodus foreshadows the tribulation,
judgment of the nations, and the redemption of Ephraim and Judah.
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