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Restoring the Two Houses of IsraelJERUSALEM: THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING There is no other city on the earth that is closer to the heart of the G-d of Israel than the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). Combining both the TeNaKh (Old Testament) and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament), it is mentioned over 800 times. The heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is the city of the G-d of Israel (Hebrews 12:22). It is the city of the great King (Psalm [Tehillim] 48:2, Matthew [Mattityahu] 5:35). The throne of the G-d of Israel is located in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) (Ezekiel [Yechezekel] 43:7). It is from the heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) that He sits upon His throne as King of the universe (Psalm [Tehillim] 47:2). The heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is also the city of the Bride of the G-d of Israel (Revelation 21:2, 9-10). Both in ancient and in modern times, Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) has always been the heartbeat of religious life for the nation of Israel. The special significance of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is emphasized throughout the Bible.
JERUSALEM AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE The city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is constantly in the remembrance of the Jewish people (house of Judah) as they live their lives. She is regarded as the "mother of Israel." Prayers are said daily for Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). She is remembered in the prayers of the Jewish people when they thank the G-d of Israel for their food and when they have their Sabbath (Shabbat) and holy-day observances. In fact, the Passover (Pesach) Seder and the Yom Kippur service ends by proclaiming, "Next Year in Jerusalem." When a Jew says, "Next Year in Jerusalem," it is actually a prayer for the coming of the Messianic Age (Athid Lavo). At the conclusion of every Jewish wedding ceremony, it is a tradition for the groom to break a glass (Orach Chaim 560:2, Evven HaEzer 65:3 in Hagah. See Tosafot, Berakhot 31a, s.v. "Isi."). Among Ashkenazic Jews, the custom is to shout Mazel Tov at this point. However, Sefardic Jews recite the verse: " The glass is broken so that even at the happiest moment of their lives, the bride and groom should recall the destruction of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). This is in keeping with the next verse: " The joy of marriage is associated with the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In Jeremiah (Yermiyahu) 33:10-11 it is written: " The heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is the city of the Bride of the G-d of Israel. In Revelation 21:2, 9-10 it is written: " Every synagogue in the world is built with the ark on the side toward Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). Therefore, whenever a Jew prays, he faces the Holy city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). Whenever King Solomon (Shlomo) dedicated the Temple (Beit HaMikdash) to the G-d of Israel, it was established that all prayer to the G-d of Israel should be directed toward Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In I Kings (Melachim) 8:1, 3, 22-23, 28-30 it is written: " To the Jewish people, Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is known as the "gate of heaven." So much is Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) a focal point of Jewish heart and life and the joy of the whole earth that it is written in the Talmud: " To the Jewish people, the remembrance of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) radiates in every aspect of their lives. In truth, it is more than just a city. It is the heart and soul of the Jewish people and the entire nation of Israel.
JERUSALEM: THE CITY OF PEACE Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is first mentioned in the book of Genesis (Bereishit) 14:18 by the name of Salem. Salem was an early name for Jerusalem (Josephus, Antiquity of the Jews, Book 1, Chapter 10:2). In Genesis (Bereishit) 14:18-20 it is written: " The word Salem is the Strong’s word (8004) in the Hebrew dictionary. Shalom is the Strong’s word (7965) in the Hebrew dictionary. Shalom in Hebrew means "peace, wholeness or to be complete." Both Salem (8004) and Shalom (7965) come from the Hebrew word Shalam, which is the Strong’s word (7999). Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is the Strong’s word 3389. It is also related to the Hebrew word shalam which is the Strong’s word (7999) and the Hebrew word shalom (7965). These are the Hebrew words for "peace, wholeness or completeness." Therefore, the Hebrew name for Jerusalem is associated with shalom or peace. In Genesis (Bereishit) 14:18, Melchizedek is mentioned as being the king of Salem. Melchizedek is the Strong’s word (4442) in the Hebrew dictionary. Melchizedek comes from two Hebrew words, Melech, and tzedek. Melech is the Strong’s word (4428) which means, "king." Tzedek is the Strong’s word (6664) which means, "righteous." Therefore, the king of Salem (peace) was Melchizedek (the king of righteousness).
THE JEWISH MESSIAH The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus is the King of peace and the King of righteousness. He is the High Priest of the G-d of Israel after the order of Melchizedek. In Hebrews 3:1, 6:20, 7:1-2 it is written: " The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus is not only a High Priest (Cohen HaGadol) forever after the order of Melchizedek (Psalm [Tehillim] 110:4) and the King of righteousness but He is also the King of peace. In Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 9:6 it is written about the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus: "
THE AKEIDAH: ABRAHAM BINDS ISAAC Genesis (Bereishit) 22 is one of the most important Torah readings to the house of Judah (Judaism). In some Jewish communities, it is read every day of the week except for the Sabbath (Shabbat). It is the primary Torah reading for Rosh HaShanah (Feast of Trumpets). The major event of the chapter is Abraham’s obedience to the G-d of Israel to offer his son Isaac (Yitzchak) as a burnt offering (olah) and bind him upon an altar. This event is known to the house of Judah (Judaism) as the Akeidah. What is also important in this chapter is that the G-d of Israel provided for Abraham (Avraham) a lamb for a burnt offering (olah) as a substitute for Isaac (Yitzchak). When He did, Abraham (Avraham) called the name of that place "Jehovah-Jireh" which means "the Lord will see." In Genesis (Bereishit) 22:1-2, 4, 6-8, 13-14 it is written: " Mount Moriah is located in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In II Chronicles 3:1, it is written: "
THE LAMB OF G-D IS THE JEWISH MESSIAH The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus referred to the binding of Isaac upon the altar as a prophetic foreshadowing of Himself. In John (Yochanan) 8:56-58, it is written: " Spiritually, (sod/deeper meaning), Abraham (Avraham) is a type of the G-d of Israel. Isaac (Yitzchak) is a type of the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus. In a Orthodox Rabbinical commentary of Genesis (Bereishit) 22, the "thicket" represents the sins of the children of Israel. When the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus died upon the tree (Deuteronomy [Devarim] 21:22-23, Galatians 3:13, I Peter [Kefa] 2:24) as the suffering Messiah known as Messiah ben Yosef (Joseph), He did so as the spiritual Lamb of the G-d of Israel whom the G-d of Israel willingly gave as a burnt offering (olah) when He allowed Him to be bound to the tree to take away the sin of the entire world. In John (Yochanan) 1:29, it is written: " A burnt offering (olah) is an offering that is totally consumed. It is freely given and done freely, willingly, and joyfully by both parties involved. The Bible tells us that the G-d of Israel freely offered the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus who is also the only Son of the G-d of Israel (Proverbs [Mishlei] 30:4) freely and the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus was willing and obedient to His death upon the tree. In Philippians 2:8-11 it is written: " Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 53 is written about the suffering Messiah (Mashiach) known as Messiah ben Yosef (Joseph). In Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 53:1, 4-5, 10, it tells us that G-d the Father offered up the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus willingly as a burnt offering (olah) for the sins of His people as it is written: " Therefore, the binding of Isaac (Yitzchak) to the altar by Abraham (Avraham) has great significance to both the house of Judah (Judaism) and the house of Israel (Christianity).
THE G-D OF ISRAEL CHOSE JERUSALEM The G-d of Israel chose Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) as His holy city and has chosen to put His name there. In II Chronicles 6:6 it is written: " The G-d of Israel’s name will be in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) forever. In II Chronicles 7:11-12, 16 it is written: "
THE PRIESTS AND LEVITES MINISTERED It was the duty of the Priests (Cohanim) and the Levites (Levi’im) to teach the Torah from Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) to the children of Israel. In Deuteronomy (Devarim) 17:8-11 it is written: "
THE COURT OF JUSTICE IS IN JERUSALEM The G-d of Israel established that a court of justice be set up to judge the children of Israel with righteous judgments. In Deuteronomy (Devarim) 16:18 it is written: " This commandment was carried out by the Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin consisted of 71 members. Their commissioning is derived from Numbers (Bamidbar) 11:16 as it is written: " It was believed that Moses (Moshe) was the head of the original seventy elders. Therefore, they consisted of 71 members. During the days of the Temple (Beit HaMikdash), the Sanhedrin met in the outer north wall of the Temple in a room known as the Chamber of Cut Stone. As long as the Sanhedrin convened, it functioned as both the supreme court and the central legislative body for all Israel. The Sanhedrin ceased to exist after the destruction of the Temple (Beit HaMikdash) by the Romans.
THE FESTIVALS ARE TO BE CELEBRATED Three times a year, the G-d of Israel instructed the males from the nation of Israel to keep the Feasts of the Lord (Leviticus [Vayikra] 23) in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In Deuteronomy (Devarim) 16:16 it is written: "
THE JEWISH MESSIAH CELEBRATED THE FESTIVALS The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus celebrated the Festivals of the G-d of Israel. In Luke 2:41-42, He celebrated Passover (Pesach) as it is written: " The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). In John (Yochanan) 7:2, 37-38 it is written: "
SACRIFICES AND OFFERINGS The G-d of Israel commanded that various kinds of sacrifices and offerings be given in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In Deuteronomy (Devarim) 12:11, 14:22-23, it is written: "
THE TEMPLE WAS BUILT IN JERUSALEM The Temple (Beit HaMikdash) was built in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In Psalm (Tehillim) 68:29 it is written: "
THE THRONE OF DAVID WAS IN JERUSALEM The throne of David was in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In I Chronicles 11:3-5 it is written: "
THE JEWISH MESSIAH WILL SIT The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus was born to sit on the throne of David and rule over the house of Jacob which consists of the house of Judah (Judaism) and the house of Israel (Christianity) forever. In Luke 1:30-33 it is written: "
THE JEWISH MESSIAH DIED AND The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus died as the suffering Messiah (Mashiach) known as Messiah ben Yosef (Joseph) on a tree in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In Matthew (Mattityahu) 16:21, it is written: "
THE HOLY SPIRIT EMPOWERED JEWISH BELIEVERS OF YESHUA IN JERUSALEM The Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) empowered the Jewish (house of Judah) believers in Yeshua/Jesus as the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) to be His witnesses on the day of Shavuot (Pentecost). In Luke 24:44-49 it is written: " This was fulfilled in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) on the day of Pentecost (Shavuot). In Acts 2:1-5 it is written: "
THE ANCIENT BATTLE FOR JERUSALEM The prophets of Israel wrote that the final battle of the age before the coming of the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) will be a battle of the nations over Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In truth, this battle over Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is an ancient battle between the kingdom of darkness (HaSatan) and the kingdom of light (the kingdom of the G-d of Israel). The modern battle over Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is being played out among the actors on the world’s stage who are participating in this ancient battle. For those who have rejected the G-d of Israel as King of the Universe, their plans, ideas, beliefs and ideology are being influenced by the kingdom of darkness (HaSatan). They desire to divide the Promised Land of the G-d of Israel and desire to make Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) an international city. For those who put their faith, trust and confidence (emunah) in the G-d of Israel and His promises to His people and follow after the kingdom of light, they oppose dividing the land which the G-d of Israel promised to Abraham (Avraham) and his descendents forever through Isaac (Yitzchak) and Jacob (Ya’acov) and want Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) to be the eternal undivided capital of the nation of Israel.
LUCIFER DESIRES G-D’S THRONE The origin of this battle over Jerusalem took place before the creation of Adam in the Garden of Eden (Gan Eden) when HaSatan tried to overthrow the throne of the G-d of Israel in the heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 14:12-14 it is written: " The throne of the G-d of Israel is in the heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) (Hebrews 12:22) in mount Zion, on the sides of the north, which is the city of the great King. In Psalm (Tehillim) 48:1-2 it is written: " Therefore, HaSatan stirred a rebellion against the G-d of Israel in the heavenlies with the desire and purpose to exalt his throne above the G-d of Israel and to sit upon the throne of the G-d of Israel in the heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In doing so, HaSatan wanted to establish a government in the heavenlies without the G-d of Israel.
SATAN IS CAST OUT OF HEAVEN When HaSatan rebelled against the G-d of Israel, he was cast down. The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus witnessed this event. In Luke 10:18 it is written: " When HaSatan was cast out of heaven, one-third of the angelic hosts rebelled with HaSatan against the G-d of Israel and were cast out of heaven also. In Revelation 12:3-4 it is written: "
THE TOWER OF BABEL: When the G-d of Israel created Adam in the Garden of Eden (Gan Eden), this ancient battle between the G-d of Israel and HaSatan began to be played out on the earth through mankind. When HaSatan tempted Eve, he told her the ancient lie that he believed when he tried to overthrow the throne of the G-d of Israel in the heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) by telling her that she could be like gods. In Genesis (Bereishit) 3:4-5 it is written: " In the process of time, HaSatan inspired the people on the earth to try to establish the first world government without the G-d of Israel and exalt themselves and their name above the G-d of Israel and reject Him as being King over all the earth. In Genesis (Bereishit) 11:1, 4 it is written: " When the people of the earth through the inspiration of the kingdom of darkness (HaSatan) rebelled against the G-d of Israel and tried to build a city and a tower that would reach unto heaven and exalt their name above the G-d of Israel, the G-d of Israel judged their evil plan and it was called the tower of Babel. In Genesis (Bereishit) 11:8-9 it is written: "
THE RESURRECTION OF THE TOWER OF BABEL The tower of Babel became a blueprint of HaSatan’s rebellion against the G-d of Israel through the people living on the earth. This has continued throughout the ages and will be brought to its final conclusion in the ends of days when the nations of the world try to resurrect the tower of Babel and establish a world government without the G-d of Israel. The goal of the framers of world government is to make the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) the capital of this godless "New World Order." This end-time plan of the nations to resurrect the tower of Babel and to create a world government without the rule of the G-d of Israel was given for us to understand as a type and shadow by the G-d of Israel through the world empires of Egypt (Mitzrayim), Babylon, Greece and Rome. The preview of these world kingdoms as a type and shadow of world government at the end of the age (Olam Hazeh) was given to Daniel the prophet. With the conclusion of the last world kingdom seen by Daniel the prophet (which is world government or the "New World Order" and a resurrection of the tower of Babel of old), the G-d of Israel will crush this end-time world government at the same time when they try to make Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) an international city. After this, the G-d of Israel through the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus will set up His world government which will be a Torah based government during the Messiah age (Athid Lavo). In Daniel 7:1-3, 7, 9-10, 13-14 it is written: " Daniel’s vision will be fulfilled in the end of days when the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus will return to the earth as the Kingly Messiah known as Messiah ben David, defend Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) and crush the resurrected tower of Babel known as world government or the "New World Order." This will happen during the days when the nations of the world seek to divide the land of Israel and make Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) an international city and the capital of their world government. The ancient battle between the kingdom of darkness (HaSatan) and the kingdom of light (the kingdom of the G-d of Israel) which originated before the creation of Adam in the Garden of Eden (Gan Eden) when HaSatan tried to overtake the throne of the G-d of Israel in the heavenly Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) will be played out on the earth in the end of days over the land that the G-d of Israel promised Abraham (Avraham) and His descendents forever through Isaac (Yitzchak) and Jacob (Ya’acov) and over the sovereignty of the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). The G-d of Israel described this battle through the prophet Isaiah (Yeshayahu) as the "controversy of Zion." The "controversy of Zion" (Isaiah [Yeshayahu] 34:8) will conclude with the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus fighting against the nations (Zechariah [Zecharyah] 14:2-3), defending the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim), delivering/saving the nation of Israel from her enemies, ending the exile and bringing about the reunification of the two houses of Israel (Ezekiel [Yechezekel] 37:15-28) and establishing the Messianic Age (Athid Lavo).
THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION In the end of days, the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) will become a stumbling block and a cup of trembling for all the nations who will be gathered against her because of the controversy of Zion. In Zechariah (Zecharyah) 12:1-3 it is written: " In Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 34:1-3, 8 it is written: "
WHAT IS THE CONTROVERSY OF ZION? How will the nations be gathered against Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) and what is the controversy of Zion? The controversy of Zion is over two primary issues. The first is the controversy of the covenant that the G-d of Israel made with Abraham (Avraham) and His descendents forever when He promised them a land. The descendents of Abraham (Avraham) became the house of Jacob. The house of Jacob consists of the house of Judah (Southern Kingdom) and the house of Israel (Northern Kingdom). Secondly, the controversy of Zion is over the future, destiny and sovereignty of the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim).
G-D WILL JUDGE THE NATIONS The G-d of Israel promised that He will judge all the nations for dividing His land. In Joel (Yoel) 3:1-2 it is written: "
UN RESOLUTIONS: LAND FOR PEACE The plan of the nations of the world to divide the land that the G-d of Israel promised to Abraham (Avraham) and His descendents forever through Isaac (Yitzchak) and Jacob (Ya’acov) is being expressed by the nations of the world through the United Nations based upon UN Resolutions 181, 242 and 338. UN Resolution 181 was passed by the United Nations in 1947. The idea of this plan was to establish a Jewish state, a Palestinian state and make Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) an international city. This plan by the nations is the foundation for the controversy of Zion. This plan does not recognize the covenant that the G-d of Israel made with Abraham (Avraham) and does not recognize the sovereignty of the G-d of Israel over the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). UN Resolution 242 was passed following Israel’s 1967 war with her Arab neighbors when the entire city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) came into the hands of the Jewish people (house of Judah). UN Resolution 338 was passed following Israel’s 1973 Yom Kippur war with her Arab neighbors. UN Resolutions 242 and 338 is based upon the principle of Israel trading "land for peace." In trading "land for peace", the nations of the world are rejecting the covenant that the G-d of Israel made with Abraham (Avraham) and His descendents forever through Isaac (Yitzchak) and Jacob (Ya’acov). In Leviticus (Vayikra) 25:23 it is written: "
THE PLO AND THE ARAB NATIONS SEEK Furthermore, the nations of the world are putting their trust in having a "just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East" into the hands of Yasser Arafat and the PLO. Yasser Arafat is a murderer and a terrorist and the PLO was founded to destroy the nation of Israel and drive them into the sea. It is completely illogical for the nations of the world to believe that there can be a "just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East" by putting their trust for peace into the hands of a murderer and a terrorist (Yasser Arafat) and an organization (PLO) which was founded with the initial goal of destroying the nation of Israel and driving them into the sea. The plans of the PLO in confederacy with her Arab nations to destroy the nation of Israel and drive them into the sea is prophesied in Psalm (Tehillim) 83:1-8 as it is written: "
G-D WILL JUDGE THE NATIONS This injustice by the nations of the world against the Jewish people and the nation of Israel by rejecting the covenant that the G-d of Israel made with Abraham and His descendents forever and by rejecting the sovereignty of the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) will bring the wrath of the G-d of Israel upon the nations of the world. The wrath of the G-d of Israel will be fully expressed during the period of time known as the tribulation or Jacob’s (Ya’acov’s) trouble to the house of Israel (Christianity) and as the Chevlai shel Mashiach or the birth pangs of the Messiah to the house of Judah (Judaism). The wicked plan of the nations and the judgment of the G-d of Israel against the nations because of the controversy of Zion is spoken about in Psalm (Tehillim) 2:1-4 as it is written: " Because of the wicked plans of the kings of the earth against the L-rd, against His land, against His people and against His holy city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim), the nations of the world will drink the cup of the wrath of the G-d of Israel. In Jeremiah (Yermiyahu) 25:15-17, 27-28 it is written: " The G-d of Israel will judge the nations who come against the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) with the plague of nuclear warfare. In Zechariah (Zecharyah) 14:12 it is written: "
THE SCORNFUL MEN WHO RULE JERUSALEM Not only will the nations of the world be severely chastised because of the controversy of Zion but the nation of Israel will also be severely chastised by the G-d of Israel for agreeing to the plan of the nations of the world to divide the land of Israel and make Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) an international city. By agreeing to these plans, the nation of Israel will experience the most difficult time in her existence as a nation. This period of time is known by the house of Israel (Christianity) as the tribulation or Jacob’s (Ya’acov’s) trouble and to the house of Judah (Judaism) as the Chevlai shel Mashiach or the birth pangs of the Messiah. The G-d of Israel through the prophet Isaiah (Yeshayahu) warns of the scornful attitude of the modern day leaders of the nation of Israel who have no regard for the land that the G-d of Israel promised to Abraham (Avraham) and his descendents forever through Isaac (Yitzchak) and Jacob (Ya’acov) and the judgment which will come upon them and the nation of Israel as a result of their scornful attitude. In Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 28:14-18 it is written: "
THE NATION OF ISRAEL WILL SUFFER Because of the rejection of the covenant that the G-d of Israel made with Abraham (Avraham) and the embracing of the "covenant with death" as advocated by the nations of the world, the scornful leaders and the entire nation of Israel will experience their most difficult time that they have ever experienced as a nation. However, the wise will understand these things and give instruction and counsel to many. In Daniel 12:1-3 it is written: "
THE G-D OF ISRAEL WILL PURIFY HIS PEOPLE During this time, the G-d of Israel will bring His people through the fire and refine them as silver is refined and try them as gold is tried. They will call upon the name of the L-rd and the L-rd will deliver His people through the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus. In Zechariah (Zecharyah) 13:9 it is written: "
THE JEWISH MESSIAH WILL SAVE The Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus will arise as a mighty warrior and save the nation of Israel and deliver them from their enemies when they call upon His name. In Luke 13:35 it is written: "… In that day when the nations of the world seek to destroy the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim), the G-d of Israel will pour out the spirit of grace and supplication upon the house of David and the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). When the nation of Israel calls upon the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus, He will save them and deliver them from their enemies. In Zechariah (Zecharyah) 12:8-10 it is written: "
THE JEWISH MESSIAH WILL FIGHT FOR JERUSALEM When the nations of the world seek to destroy Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) and when the nation of Israel calls upon the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus for their deliverance, the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus will fight against those nations and defend the covenant that the G-d of Israel made with Abraham (Avraham) and His descendents forever, the land, the people and the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). Then, He will set His feet down upon the mount of Olives and be King over all the earth. In Zechariah (Zecharyah) 14:2-4, 9 it is written: "
THE G-D OF ISRAEL IS KING OF THE UNIVERSE AND HIS THRONE IS IN JERUSALEM The G-d of Israel is King over all the earth and the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is the place of His throne. Psalm 47 is a coronation psalm proclaiming that the G-d of Israel is King over all the earth. In Psalm (Tehillim) 47:1-9, it is written: " The G-d of Israel is our King of glory. In Psalm (Tehillim) 24:1, 8, 10 it is written: " In Psalm (Tehillim) 48:2, it is written: " The throne of the G-d of Israel is in Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). In Jeremiah (Yermiyahu) 3:17 it is written: "
THE G-D OF ISRAEL WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) is always in the remembrance of the G-d of Israel. In Psalm (Tehillim) 137:5-6 it is written: "
THE MESSIAH REMEMBERS Traditional Judaism (house of Judah) expects that the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) will fulfill two primary roles. He will be a suffering Messiah (Mashiach) known as Messiah ben Yosef (Joseph) as well as being a Kingly Messiah (Mashiach) known as Messiah ben David. However, traditional Judaism (house of Judah) believes that these two roles will be fulfilled by two different people. The suffering Messiah (Mashiach) was seen as being a humble Messiah (Mashiach) who would ride into Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) on a donkey. On the other hand, the Kingly Messiah (Mashiach) was seen as riding on a white horse. In the weekly Internet Orthodox Jewish Parasha Ki-Tetze 5757 written by Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld who is associated with Ohr Somayach, he writes about the Messiah (Mashiach) and his role of riding on a donkey and on a (white) horse. In the article, he explains that horses represent war and conquest. Furthermore, he states in this parasha that the prophet (Zecharyah 9:9) describes the Messiah as "a poor man, riding upon a donkey." He then explains that the Gemara (Sanhedrin 98a) describes how King Shevor of Persia scoffed: "Why doesn’t your Messiah come riding on a horse? If he lacks one, I’ll be glad to provide him with one of my best!" The article continues and the question is asked: "Why, indeed, should the Messiah come on a donkey? Isn’t a horse a more appropriate sign of military victory?" Rabbi Kornfeld’s article concludes with the response that the answer may be learned from the words of the Gemara earlier on that same page (ibid.). A poor man on a donkey is a description of how the Messiah will appear if the Jews are not found deserving of a spectacular salvation. Whether we deserve it or not, we will eventually be redeemed; however, if we are not deserving the Messiah will only arrive riding on a donkey. A horse is a sign of proud conquest; this Messiah will provide but a humble Exodus. As the Gemara says in Shabbat 152a: "
THE JEWISH MESSIAH RODE ON A DONKEY The house of Israel (Christianity) understands that the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus will fulfill both the role of the suffering Messiah (Mashiach) known by the house of Judah (Judaism) as Messiah ben Yosef (Joseph) as well as the role of the Kingly Messiah (Mashiach) known as Messiah ben David. The suffering Messiah rode humbly into Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) at His first coming on a donkey and proceeded to weep over the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) because of her future destruction which happened in 70 CE. At His second coming, He will ride in conquest and victory on a white horse. In Matthew (Mattityahu) 21:1-9 it is written: " After the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) humbly on a donkey as the suffering Messiah (Mashiach) known as Messiah ben Yosef (Joseph), He wept over the city of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) realizing her future destruction to come by the Romans in 70 CE. In Luke 19:41-44 it is written: "
THE JEWISH MESSIAH WILL RIDE When the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus returns to the earth at His second coming as the Kingly Messiah (Mashiach) known as Messiah ben David, He will ride on a white horse as a mighty warrior in victory over His enemies. In Revelation 19:11-16 it is written: " When the nations of the world gather against Jerusalem (Yerushalayim), the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus will fight against those nations as a mighty man of war. Following His victory over the nations in battle, He will set His feet down on the mount of Olives and be King over all the earth. In Zechariah (Zecharyah) 14:2-4, 9 it is written: " Following this event, the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus will set up His Messianic Kingdom and rule and reign on the earth from Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) teaching the Torah to all nations. In Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 2:2-3 it is written: " The G-d of Israel desires to someday have a Torah based world government with the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus ruling, reigning and teaching the nations of the world the Torah of the G-d of Israel from Jerusalem (Yerushalayim). When this happens, peace (shalom) will come upon the entire earth. May the Jewish Messiah (Mashiach) Yeshua/Jesus come to the earth as the Kingly Messiah known as Messiah ben David and bring redemption, restoration, reconciliation and unity to both houses of Israel and usher in the Messianic Age speedily in our days. Amen!
Continue to Chapter 11
What the Rabbis Teach about the Ten Lost Tribes Vol 1
The Northern Kingdom (Ephraim) and the Southern Kingdom (Judah) differed both politically and religiously. They have never been united since the split between them following the days of Solomon. The Northern Kingdom was taken captive by the Assyrians. Upon their captivity, the Ten Tribes have been assimilated and intermingled into the nations of the world. The intermarriage of the Assyrians and the descendents of the Northern Kingdom who lived in the land of Israel were known as Samaritans. The Jews and the Samaritans never got along with each other. Joseph being sold by his brothers foreshadows the dividing of the nation of Israel into Northern Kingdom and Southern Kingdom. Joseph's unification with His brothers foreshadows the unification of Ephraim and Judah in the end of days. Ezekiel lying on his side foreshadows the sin and punishment of the Northern Kingdom. The suffering of a righteous individual can atone for the sins of the nation of Israel. The suffering of Ezekiel foreshadows the suffering of the Messiah for His people. The Ten Tribes did not unite with Judah at the end of the Babylonian captivity during the days of Ezra and Nehemiah. Orthodox Jews pray three times a day for the ingathering of the exiles of Israel. The Ten Tribes will return to the land of Israel and be united with Judah at the dawn of the Messianic Era. It is the Messiah who will gather the exiles of Israel. |